Another Self is great but its only half the story

While relaxing one evening I tuned into the Netflix series Another Self – which focuses on the lives and personal/spiritual development of three friends. I was delighted to see that the series touched on an aspect of shamanic healing called Sacred Drama, which is an ancient method of helping people get to the very root – often hidden – of that which ails them by accessing the Morphogenic field, (which I won’t go into here but you can Google it, but in very brief terms is a vast field of intelligence, a record of past events if you like, which can be accessed in certain ways, as you will see if you watch the series). I was so excited to watch this series as I hoped it would encourage people to see themselves as the highly complex beings they are and also challenge themselves to consider that the issues that ail them are often rooted in areas that one would not normally consider.

I have worked worldwide for over twenty years as a shamanic healer, naturally helping people to heal from their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual  problems. The beauty I find in shamanic healing is that it helps to get to the very root of a person’s issues. I liken the benefits of shamanic healing to the analogy of wanting to be rid of a dandelion which has sprouted up in the middle of your lawn. Many conventional modes of healing – and therapy – are akin to simply snapping off the flower and leaves of the dandelion, but as we know from weeding our garden, this often only removes what is visible above ground and we all know that as long as the root remains another dandelion will soon appear.

What we need is to pull the dandelion out from the root. Like the dandelion, the roots of our personal problems or issues are deeply hidden from us in the darkness of our subconscious or our unconscious and in the deepest layers of our soul, and only when we heal at these levels is true and lasting healing achieved. Often, my clients are totally unaware of their ‘dandelion roots’ – their real issues, – which lie in the ‘deep earth’ – the hidden depths of their own being and the things that can affect them and sadly, there is very little education in this area – which is why it was so great to see this series on TV. While the medicine people of old understood these matters very well, this knowledge and way of looking at a person as a whole – like the dandelion existing both above and below ground – has sadly, largely been lost in modern times.

Another Self is great but its only half the story

Another Self is great but its only half the story

But the tides are slowly turning and very slowly, people are starting to realise there is more to them than meets the eye! We are told that we are born into this world as ‘clean slates’ but this is so far from the actual truth that it is ridiculous! We are part of two lineages, first, let’s look at our blood lineage. If you have ever seen a family tree you can see all the people you are sourced from – and most family trees don’t even go back that far! Imagine your ancestry going back to the very beginning of time. All of those people, and all of the experiences of those people – good or bad – make up who you are. Shamanic wisdom traditions have taught us for aeons that the honouring – and where necessary, the healing – of our ancestors is essential to our ability to thrive joyfully in our lives. While this may sound ridiculous to those in the Western world, it is observable today.

We only have need look at the Mexican tradition of the ‘Day of the Dead’ celebration to see proof of this. This is a joyful time where families come together to celebrate not only their living relatives but also their deceased ancestors. My understanding is that picnics, as well as offerings of sweets, food, money, flowers and other items are taken to the relative’s graves, and the whole family sits and eats ‘with’ their ancestors to appease them and keep them ‘onside’. The Bible also makes reference to ‘the sins (or iniquity) of the father being visited upon the sons’ for three or four generations. I do not believe that this Bible reference is about punishment, but a recognition of the passing down of generational trauma.

I see evidence of this trauma everyday when working with clients, of disruptive patterns or health issues running through families for generations. Therefore, it is not enough to simply ‘tear off the leaves of the dandelion’ – there is a need to go to the root, to the events which caused the trauma, to heal the actual ancestor, and then the healed state can be passed down the whole line, not only to my client, but also to their children, and their children’s children thus breaking longstanding patterns. The reason I loved Another Self is that I had seen for the first time on television recognition of the effects both childhood and ancestral trauma (I won’t spoil the series for you!)

Another Self is great - but its only half the story

Another Self is great but its only half the story

But Another Self/healing childhood/young adulthood and ancestral trauma is only half the story, we have to consider our other lineage. Our soul lineage.

If you would like to believe that you suddenly appeared in this world and when you die you will suddenly disappear into nothingness again that is up to you. But my experiences during thousands and thousands of healing sessions with clients over the last twenty years suggests that we are also part of a soul lineage, meaning that in this lifetime we are affected by the events of our past lives. Not all past lives have a negative impact on us. Let’s for ease say that we have a hundred lifetimes (even though I would say it’s more like a thousand!).

Out of those hundred lifetimes, we do not need concern ourselves with the majority, which probably passed in a pleasant, probably humdrum way. They will have no effect on us at all. But the lifetimes where for example we were abused either sexually or physically, killed in battle or by a loved one or by surprise, betrayed, condemned, rejected, accused, tortured, abandoned, starved, lost our family or our tribe or community, were falsely imprisoned, unloved, poverty stricken, lost, rejected, burnt at the stake, lost our children or were forcibly separated from our loved ones, or we made an error – to name but a few possibilities – those lifetimes are going to have long lasting repercussions. (And if you had a funny feeling in your body when reading any of the examples, it’s a sure sign there’s something or should I say someone – a past aspect of you – there that needs healing!).

Another Self is great - but its only half the story

Another Self is great but its only half the story

When I work on a client therefore, I check them for many different things which can affect them – including ancestral trauma, past life trauma, childhood trauma via Inner Child work, blocked chakras, soul loss, power loss, the need for reprogramming negative subconscious beliefs, damage to the energy field, disharmony between the masculine and feminine archetypes… I even check to see if the energy in their house is conducive to their well-being! My work addresses issues on the unconscious, subconscious, conscious and superconscious levels, and on the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic levels, because these are all the levels that a person exists on and if trauma occurs, it affects all these levels, and all these levels therefore need to be healed.

So, thank you Netflix, for such a great series and for (hopefully) waking people up to their amazing and beautiful complexity!

Another Self is great but its only half the story

If I can help you on your healing journey, please feel free to contact me here or feel to text me on +44 7748 361210 outside of the UK or 07748 361210 within the UK. More information can be found via the FAQ section, or in the Helpful Notes sheet which can be found on the Appointments page. Or if you would simply like to make an appointment, please complete the Client Form which is provided on the Appointments page and return it to me at

Healing sessions can be carried out either via the phone, or if preferred – for those who are short of time/ in a difficult time zone/just prefer it – completely remote, (for example I will be working on you while you are at work and I will send you details of your session via Whatsapp Voicenotes, which you can listen to at your leisure). Both ways of working are just as effective.

More information about my work can be found on my website or via my book, A Healer of Souls, which is available via Amazon.

Wishing you blessings on your journey through life.